Monday, July 23, 2012


Skin care experts recommend washing your face once a day. Just a few months or so, I barely even had any idea that I really needed a facial skin care routine. I used to just wash my face whenever I took a shower with bar soap. Now, I wash my face with a facial cleanser once a day at night, before going to bed and splash my face with just water once a day in the morning. Developing your own facial skin routine is definitely one of the most important decisions you have to make when it comes to your health. Here's my guide to developing a facial skin care routine....

1. Determine what type of skin type you have (oily, normal, dry, combination, sensitive, etc.). Do your research and find out what ingredients you should be looking for in skin care products.

2. Shop for some skin care products. You'll need a daily facial cleanser, a moisturizer with SPF, a nighttime moisturizer, and an exfoliator. I bought this set that comes with a daily cleanser, a moisturizer with SPF 15, and some eye cream. It's actually a great deal and definitely a great investment. I use the moisturizer after I wash my face at night too.

3. Figure out a routine. The basic routine is to cleanse, moisturize, and exfoliate. Wash your face once a day with cleanser first (I do this at nighttime). Moisturize your face after you cleanse and before you go out (with SPF). And exfoliate 1-2 times a week.

4. Resist touching your face. Your hands hold so much bacteria and touching your face only transfers the bacteria into your pores. If you really need to touch your face, wash your hands with soap and warm water before you do so.

5. Only use your face towels or wash clothes once and wash them in hot water.


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